We offer you the freedom to explore and try out different instruments and accessories without long-term commitments. Rent first and decide later. Oh! And we deduct the rental cost from the purchase price. We also offer daily rentals.
How to rent?
Find your instrument or accessory using our search bar at the top of the store or by browsing through our categories. Once you find the product you're interested in, click on its image or name to access the product page and view its features. If you're still interested, click the button to contact us via WhatsApp and send us a message to receive personalised advice on the features, availability, price, and comparison with other options. This way, you can choose the one that best fits your expectations and needs.
Why do we prefer contact before purchase?
This is our value proposition compared to other high-volume stores, where processes are automated, and customers often wish for better support in making such important decisions. While customers may think they know what they want, we often find that it's essential to consider other options. This way, we ensure that they are getting what best suits their needs and expectations within their budget. If the product satisfies you... we all win.
Why don't we publish prices upfront?
We can manage 94% of the global market's products at highly competitive prices, which tend to fluctuate frequently. Therefore, once we've confirmed with you what fits your situation, we proceed to check the current market price to try and offer the most competitive rate. We'll inform you transparently, with no obligation before purchase. Contact us via WhatsApp, and we can figure it out together.
There are 3365 products.